Arrowhead Elementary PTA

Student Enrichment Committee (SEC) Grant

Funded projects: 2022-23 School Year

Click here for funded projects September-November 2022

Application Process

Goals of SEC: 

Provide funds at either a classroom level, grade level or entire school level that will enrich the current and/or future student body of Arrowhead Elementary.

SEC Members: 

PTA President, 2 PTA Members (parents of K-2, 3-5), Principal, and 2 Teachers (K-2, 3-5).  Excluding the Principal, committee members may only serve on SEC for 2 consecutive years.


Each request is reviewed and voted on by the SEC Members.  The cost of the program and the number of students it serves will be a primary factor in the granting of requests.


  • Complete grant application and submit via PTA website. Applications are reviewed weekly.
  • Feel free to add attachments with additional information, price quotes, etc.
  • Deadline for submitting SEC applications is June 1st.
  • Questions – email

Funding and Approval:

  • Projects can be fully or partially funded, or denied.
  • The requester will be notified via email the status of the grant and the approved amount.
  • If funded, work with the PTA treasurer to get funds –  In some cases the money will be granted directly to the school and in other cases, the requester will submit receipts for reimbursement.  The Treasurer will know how to handle the funds.

Guiding Practices:

  • Grants are to be submitted before purchases are made.  SEC will not reimburse grantees for expenses after the fact.
  • Grants must be for activities that take place in the current school year.  Grants may not be carried over into the next year.


    Single ClassroomGrade wide/multiple ClassSchool Wide

     What & why
     How many students are supported through this grant?
     Describe the impact/goals this project will have on students.

     How will PTA funds be used?
     If partially funded, where will other funds come from?
     Are there other sources of funding available or being pursued?
     When do you need the funds by?